Shopping for Hair Care Products

Three Ways To Raise A Little Money At School Sporting Events

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School sports are not cheap to organize, with the cost of uniforms, paying a coach, and traveling to away games. When the school budget does not fully cover the cost of student participation, it is often up to parents to fundraise and come up with additional money to cover the remaining costs. Programs like selling candy bars and t-shirts work well, but why not also use the sports games themselves as an opportunity to raise money?…

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How To Plan Your Winter Wardrobe

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As the days get cooler have you suddenly realized that you need some new clothes? From picking out new jeans to selecting a leather look jacket, here are some ideas that might help you to plan your new winter wardrobe. Go Through Your Present Wardrobe Eliminate items that you haven’t worn in a long time. Eliminate clothing that looks tired and outdated. Try things on to see if you can give them a new look.…

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Nervous About Asking For A Collateral Loan On Your Jewelry? Don't Be: But Know These 3 Facts First

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Are you thinking about taking a collateral loan for your jewelry for the first time? Are you nervous? Don’t be. Pawn shops and resale jewelry stores alike have lost their reputation for being seedy, low-class places where people pawn anything they can lay their hands on in order to get access to cash they can drink or gamble away. Now, the typical customer is much more likely to be somewhere between the ages of 35 and 60, employed and earning $50,000 or more per year, and just having a temporary money crisis.…

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