Graduating From College? How To Choose Your Graduation Stole
If you're getting ready to graduate from college, don't forget to order your graduation stole. Your graduation packet will come with the cap and gown. But, the graduation stole is an optional component, so it won't come with the graduation packet. Graduation stoles are easy to order though. In fact, you can handle the entire process online. If you've never ordered a stole before, read the list below. Here are some tips to help you avoid mistakes when ordering your graduation stole.
Start With the Right Colors
If you're going to order your graduation stole, start by choosing the right color. You might not know it, but the color of your stole should match your field of study. In fact, the color of the stole helps people identify your major. A beige stole shows that you graduated with a degree in business. A purple stole shows that you graduated with a law degree. Before you order your stole, make sure you have the right color. If you're not sure about the color, ask your counselor. They can help you choose the right color for your stole.
Choose Your Material
Once you've got the right color for your graduation stole, you'll need to choose the material you want to use. Most people choose satin for their graduation stoles. There are other options you can choose from though. You can also choose a material that lets you celebrate your ethnicity. For instance, you can choose a Sarape stole to celebrate your Mexican heritage. Or, you can choose a tartan plaid stole to celebrate your Scottish heritage.
Customize the Look
Now that you're ready to buy your graduation stole, don't forget to add some custom features. One of the great things about your graduation stole is that you can customize it to suit you. This is where you add club logos, special accomplishments, or personal motto. You can even customize your graduation stole with your name and date of graduation. That way, you have a lasting keepsake for your special day.
Add Some Pockets
If you've decided against a graduation stole, it's time to think about function. Most graduation gowns don't come with pockets. That means you won't have any place for your phone. If you don't have your phone, you can't take pictures of the celebration. That's where a graduation stole comes into the picture. When you order your graduation stole, you can have them add pockets. That way, you have a safe place for your phone during graduation.